Resumes come in all different forms and designs so therefore there is no real right or wrong way of making a resume. It is important however to ensure that you are “selling yourself” in the best possible way to ensure that you have a successful application for the positions you apply for. When further information has been requested from either a potential employer or recruitment consultant, take a look at your resume and see where you can make improvements.


  • Make sure you are addressing the selection criteria for the position, the selection criteria can be either in the main body of the position or broken down into Essential and Desirable skills that the employer is looking for.
  • If you are applying for a position that requires certain Essential skills for the position and you do not have those particular skills then maybe re-access the position and see if it is really suited to you. Desirable skills are skills that the employer would like an applicant to have but is not essential to be successful in the application.
  • If you are unsure please discuss the details with your recruitment consultant to better guide you.
  • Ensure that you are displaying your information in a clear and easy to read manner, that you have done a spell check and that if you advise of any Qualifications, Licences or Certificates that you are able to provide copies of this information to your recruitment consultant or employer. (It’s a good idea to supply these details to your recruitment contact on registration so that they are able to verify the details to better assist you with your employment needs.)
  • When providing Verbal References on your resume it is up to you to ensure that they are aware you have placed them as a referee and that you check that the contact details for that person are reviewed and updated as well as supply any area or country codes required to contact when applying for positions. When supplying Written References it is important that those references are completed on a letter head, which is dated and signed with contact details for that person, should a potential employer or recruitment consultant wish to contact them to verify the details supplied.
  • Rural Enterprises requires a minimum of three verbal references that are relevant to the positions you are applying for.
  • Make sure that your Personal/Contact Details are current on your resume so that you do not miss out on positions simply because you could not be contacted. Ensure that you are suppling area/country codes that maybe needed to contact you.
  • When creating a resume Fonts and Graphics are not the main details that the employer needs to see. Therefore keep it easy-to-read simple fonts, usually no larger than 10-12. It is also not necessary in most cases to have a cover sheet just saying your name etc. Try and keep graphics and borders to a minimum as some programs create issues when opening.

Template – Basic Resume.docx