It is mandatory for you to have a Tax File Number (also known as your TFN). You cannot work in Australia without this. If you have not been to Australia before, please go to the Australian Taxation Office website by clicking here.  We have also provided a link so you can determine if you are a resident for Taxation purposes.  Once you finish working in Australia, you will be required to lodge a tax return – click on this link.

Please make sure you have your banking details (BSB and account number) for the employer. If you have not been to Australia before, you will need to go to a bank prior to commencing employment and open an account. You will typically need 100 points of identification along with your Tax Identification Number (TIN) or equivalent from your home country. 

SUPERANNUATION: If you are working temporarily in Australia you can claim your superannuation after you have finished work. The easiest way to claim your superannuation is to apply online, using the Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP) online application system – (this is a free service). You can start your online application at any time while in Australia, however, you can only submit your application once you have left Australia and your visa has expired or been cancelled

You can lodge your Australian Tax Return if you are not an Australian citizen and are leaving the country and not planning on returning to work before the end of the financial year (30 June). To find out how, click here.